Heart-healthy, omega-3 rich fish is emphasized over red meat, which is higher in saturated fat. Health benefits related to the Mediterranean lifestyle may include: A more recent study also found that elderly individuals may vastly improve brain function and their own longevity by adopting the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet gained momentum in 2013 after a team of researchers at the University of Barcelona studied more than 7,000 participants and documented drastic improvements in their heart health. Long recognized for its potential health benefits, scientific evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet is anti-inflammatory and can help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, as well as support good gut bacteria. In addition to encouraging healthy eating, the Mediterranean diet also emphasizes incorporating daily physical activity into your routine. More of a lifestyle approach than a restrictive weight-loss plan, this balanced and sustainable way of eating does not require you to meticulously track calories or eliminate any of your favorite foods or beverages ( red wine included!).

It does not involve any strict rules or restrictions, but instead emphasizes healthy fats and plant-based recipes with a moderate amount of dairy and minimal amounts of red meat, processed foods and added sugar. The Mediterranean diet originated from the dining habits of those who live in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, including Greece, Italy, Spain and France. News & World Report and our own Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab dietitians. In fact, year after year, it is named the top diet by leading weight-loss analysts at U.S. It may also help in the prevention of type II diabetes. Research consistently shows that consuming a Mediterranean-style diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, seafood and heart-healthy fats can help to reduce the risk of strokes and total cardiovascular disease, including heart disease. While you may not be able to jet off on a sunny Mediterranean vacation right now, you can start eating as if you were there.